We ask you to keep an eye on your order's tracking (if available) and to get in touch with your local post office if a shipment is taking considerably longer to arrive than we estimated (over 2 weeks for Express, over 4 weeks for Regular or over 16 weeks for Saver). Should this yield no results, please contact our customer support at support@solarisjapan.com.
If a package appears to have been lost, we will launch an investigation with the Japan Post in order to try and find it. The post have deadlines for how long after the shipping date they are able to investigate, so please contact us as soon as possible if the parcel exceeds the delivery estimate.
Please note that the investigation process has no fixed timeframe and can take up to 3 months to complete.
Compensations or replacements cannot be offered while an investigation is still pending or if you chose an uninsured shipping method.
Reimbursements can only be issued up to the same value as the declared invoice value.
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